Grandmas with Heart

We (Linda Ransom Jacobs, Debbie Guinn, Joani Schultz, Sherry Schumann, Nohemi Murray, Cathy Jacobs, Deb delVillar and Lynda Freeman) are Grandmas with Heart and we invite you to join us as we share about handing down our faith to our grandchildren.
It is our prayer you will find information and resources which equip and empower you to hand down the faith to your grandchildren! While there are many important people and things in my life and yours, if we are grandmas there is nothing more important for us to do than to hand down our faith to our grandchildren. We believe grandmas have much to offer to other grandmas; we know the concerns and joys experienced by grandmas and we understand the desire to hand down our faith. Join us at each day - you will find at least one post (typically two) with solid content to help you as you hand down the faith.
Just as grandma's cookie jar should always be full of good things, this blog will be full of good ideas, information, activities and reviews of things to help grandma . . . and grandpa, mom and dad too . . . hand down a heritage of faith to the children in their lives!
Grandparents Day of Prayer
Christian Grandparenting Network (CGN) is claiming National Grandparents’ Day as a Grandparents’ Day of Prayer. We believe the battle for the hearts and minds of our dear grandchildren and their parents will be won only by praying grandparents who sense the urgency and unite to do battle in prayer.
In the past, united prayer has always bridged the gap between a great need and a great awakening! Our grandchildren and their parents urgently need our unified prayers. Let’s be a community of grandparents uniting in prayer for our families.
Christian Grandparenting Network is thrilled to announce the formation of “Grandparents@ Prayer,” (G@P) an intercessory prayer group for grandparents to pray together for each other’s grandchildren and families. As grandparents, we can make a significant difference in the world by praying regularly and deliberately for our grandchildren and their parents. We have an opportunity to powerfully touch the lives of another generation for eternity.

DC4K (DivorceCare for Kids)

Sitting by the Well

Pass the Legacy
Pass the Legacy is a consulting ministry supporting people and parishes.
Pass the Legacy is a ministry partnership designed to equip and encourage grandparents and grown-parents in their specific ministry to their grown-children and grandchildren.
Pass the Legacy is a Biblical way of life.
Family Matters

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