How Does Generations Quest Work?

So, how will Generations Quest help you equip the children you love, so they will learn to read, understand and live God’s Word?

· Generations Quest is a resource which will equip the generations – grandparents, parents and children – to learn to read, understand and live God’s Word – together!
· Generations Quest will give your family—grandparents, parents and grandchildren—an intentional and focused Bible reading schedule for you all to read daily, no matter where you live. Just imagine what it would be like for all of you to read the same Bible verses the same day!
· Generations Quest will help you, and the generations who follow you, learn from God’s Word about people in the Bible who made the choice to love, know and walk with God, so you are better able to understand how to make the same choice.
· Generations Quest is for all ages of children, preschool through college age.
· Generations Quest will work for you whether you live near or far from the children you love.
· Generations Quest will help you be intentional when it comes to reading, understanding and living God’s Word; and in helping the generations who follow You to do the same.

Generations Quest is available to you as a yearly subscription – you will be emailed 12 months of digital PDF Quest Flyers which you are welcome to use with your immediate family. 
  • Grandparents are welcome to use Generations Quest with each of their adult children and grandchildren. 
  • Parents are welcome to use Generations Quest with each of their children. 
  • So, if grandparents subscribe to Generations Quest, they are welcome to use it with all their children and grandchildren—making it incredibly affordable!
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